Trade-In Customer Communication

At Foxway, we aim to provide a seamless and transparent trade-in experience for our customers. This article outlines the standard communication process for trade-ins, ensuring that both vendors and customers are well-informed throughout the process. 

Foxway handles all customer communication for online trade-in to ensure consistency and clarity. If you wish to manage customer communication for the trade-in program on your side, please contact your account manager. Customer support roles and responsibilities are mapped out separately from automated communication. 

We use automated emails and status pages to keep customers informed about their device's status. All relevant updates sent via email are also reflected on the status pages, allowing customers to see what is happening with their device at any time.

Notification Cycle

  • In-Store Trade-Ins: We do not send notifications for in-store trade-ins as everything is handled face-to-face in the store. There is no direct communication with the customer from our side.
  • Online Trade-Ins: The notification cycle for online trade-ins includes several key steps:
    • Registration Confirmation & Shipping Label Generation: Customers receive a confirmation email upon registering their device for trade-in and receive a shipping label for sending their device to Foxway.
    • Device Receipt: An email is sent when we receive the device.
    • Device Processing/Final Evaluation: Customers are notified when their device is being processed and evaluated.
      • If there is no discrepancy, the customer receives confirmation of the device's value and an estimated timeline for payment.
      • If there is a discrepancy, we explain what went wrong, provide a photo of the device, and offer a new price. The customer can then accept or decline the new offer.
    • Device Returns: If the customer declines the new offer, we inform them of the timeline for returning the device together with tracking information.

By following this structured communication process, we ensure that customers are always informed and can trust the trade-in process at Foxway. Our goal is to make the trade-in experience as smooth and transparent as possible for both vendors and customers.