At Foxway, we strive to provide seamless and efficient logistics solutions for our trade-in programs. Whether customers choose to trade in their devices online or in-store, our logistics processes are designed to ensure smooth operations, timely processing, and customer satisfaction. This article provides an overview of the logistics process for both online and in-store trade-in scenarios, highlighting the key steps involved in each process.
To ensure smooth transactions between you and Foxway, we recommend shipping in-store devices weekly or bi-weekly, depending on the volume of devices. This helps maintain a healthy cash flow and prevents losses due to device value depreciation. The price of the device is fixed for 35 days from the date when it is registered by the vendor or consumer in Foxway systems. Therefore, it's crucial to send the devices within this period to receive the assigned price.
The Foxway standard Service Level Agreement (SLA) for transport is 10 workdays.
In-Store Trade-In Process
Shipment Creation: A vendor employee creates the shipment using the Foxway Retail Trade-In Tool (a detailed explanation on how to do this is provided in the Trade-In User Guides article). The contents of the physical package need to match the information registered online
Packing Goods: Goods are packed by the vendor employee
Label Generation: A label for the shipment is generated automatically in the Retail Trade-In Tool and needs to be included with the shipment by the vendor employee
Package Shipping: Packages can be shipped via pick-up using the economy shipping option
Consolidation and Delivery: In the EU, consolidation can be skipped or added, while in non-EU countries, it is mandatory. Foxway can provide a Proof of Delivery (POD) on request
Online Trade-In Process
Label Generation: When a consumer registers an online trade-in, a shipping label is automatically generated for them
Packing Goods: The device is packed by the consumer
Package Shipping: The consumer will ship the package based on pre-determined method by Foxway (drop-off or pick-up, depending on local carrier capabilities) using the economy shipping option
Consolidation and Delivery: In the EU, consolidation can be skipped or added, while in non-EU regions, it is mandatory. Foxway can provide a Proof of Delivery (POD) on request
Device Return: If a grading discrepancy occurs (read more about grading in the grading article) and the customer declines the new offer, the device is returned to them